How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?

In a Nutshell

This blog is a must-read for software professionals who want to learn more about Agile and DevOps. These are the highlights of this blog:

  • How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?
  • Assumptions Regarding Agile and DevOps
  • Benefits of Utilizing DevOps and Agile Together
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Today’s software professionals are familiar with the DevOps and Agile terms. If you are a software professional, you are likely to have followed any of these methods. Here, it is important to highlight that there are many software professionals who still need to develop a more thorough understanding of the stated terms. So, if you are this person, then this is a must-read blog for you. This is because it will allow you to answer a very important question – How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?

Note that better answering this question is directly related to your overall duties as a professional software developer. There is a high chance that if you haven’t already, you will soon work on projects that would require you to understand – How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?. This information can assist kubernetes consulting services or a docker expert consultant.

Let’s first have an overview of both Agile and DevOps and fit it into our bigger picture:

Agile Overview

This is a project management methodology that puts an immense amount of emphasis on rapid iteration, collaboration, and flexibility. Many industries all over the world have adapted it for their software development projects. A very important principle associated with Agile is that it prioritizes customer satisfaction. This is done via continuously offering valuable products and/or services. A development team achieves this when it closely collaborates with the end-users, customers, and any other stakeholders.

Another key highlight of Agile is that it values interactions and individuals over tools and processes. Throughout this, it puts immense emphasis on teamwork and communication. As a result, there is a smoother and more effective adaptation to market conditions and changing requirements. Additionally, many understand that another highly vital feature of Agile is its iterative development approach. Here, Agile breaks down a project into smaller chunks, known as sprints and avoids completing the project in a single huge phase.

When a sprint is completed, the team generates a working feature or product. This is usually tested, which allows its overall evaluation. After the evaluation process, the product or feature is moved to the next sprint. Generally, Agile presents a collaborative and flexible approach to project management. Here, the priority is on the factors of adaptability, teamwork, and customer satisfaction. All of this Agile knowledge is critical for those who want to answer the “How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?” question.

DevOps Overview

This is a methodology that mixes the I.T. and software development operations. The key objective here is to bring efficiency and collaboration to things. This is done by tearing down the barriers that are known to exist between the I.T. and software development teams. As a result, these teams can better focus on automation and communication. This makes them present non-stop results. Many understand that automation is one of the best features of DevOps. This means many scripts and tools are used to automate tasks, such as monitoring, deploying, and testing.

The result here is that you save your time and avoid making a great many mistakes. On top of this, DevOps puts immense emphasis on teamwork. When every team member understands that all of them have a great stake in the overall activity, this brings a positive energy across the spectrum of operations. You can be a QA tester, a business analyst, or a developer. You will most likely feel a personal bond with your work. Also, when team members communicate well and work closely with each other, they can quickly identify and deal with problems, as all of them have the same understanding of the troubling issues.

How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?

Now, let’s get into the heart of the matter and answer – “How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?” So far, we have developed the understanding that the Agile methodology emphasizes producing working software frequently and quickly. This is done via iterative development cycles. Also, DevOps are practices meant to enhance collaboration between operations and development teams so that an efficient delivery of software is achieved.

DevOps accelerates the software development process. As a result, it solidifies Agile principles via quicker feedback and a superior quality collaboration between the Operations and Development teams. Sooner or later, Agile offers the framework for DevOps to perform within, as it continues with its emphasis on incremental and iterative software delivery cycles. This paves the way for a software product’s continuous improvement. Moreover, there is something that a great number of individuals don’t know about, who ask the “How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?” question – DevOps go on to permit Agile operations. This is done by offering tools and techniques for faster response times, improved quality, and cost savings.

In short, if someone asks you – How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate? You can state that the interrelation between Agile and DevOps exists in their shared emphasis on continuous improvement, communication, and collaboration. Note that both methods focus on breaking down barriers existing between teams. At the same time, cross-functional collaboration is promoted.

how do agile and devops interrelate?

Assumptions Regarding Agile and DevOps

There are many assumptions or myths regarding Agile and DevOps. Let’s set the records straight here for the sake of better understanding and address them in some detail:

Agile is best suited for small teams: This is a false statement since there are a great number of examples that showcase that any team or organization (regardless of its size) can make good use of Agile. Here, the core condition is that the team/organization is fully committed to performing their duties in an iterative manner. This can then make them effectively apply Agile so that it improves their workflow, thereby making them quickly deliver products.

DevOps and Agile are similar: Many students who are studying software development or professionals who have just begun their software development duties believe in this notion. Both emphasize efficiency and speed. However, this does not mean that they can be deemed as interchangeable entities. DevOps is a reliable software delivery method that emphasizes I.T. and software development operations, which results in any business responding and iterating at a faster rate to customer needs. Whereas in Agile, it is basically a number of processes and principles that any company can utilize to produce valuable products in small increments.

DevOps and Agile are meant for fresh products: Some argue that DevOps and Agile are applicable to freshly started projects. This is not true since both can enhance ongoing or existing projects. Additionally, DevOps and Agile permit the streamlining and optimizing of the I.T. and development operations. This is not dependent on the state, or the phase of a given project.

Both DevOps and Agile demand massive investments: A good number of small businesses are under the impression that both Agile and DevOps demand massive investments. This impression is usually confronted when they are trying to answer the “How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?” query. The good news for all those who have this impression is that both can be implemented via iterative and small changes that demand a rather limited number of financial resources.

Benefits of Utilizing DevOps and Agile Together

Superior Collaboration: Agile is great when you need to collaborate between a host of teams throughout software development. DevOps facilitates collaboration among operations and development teams. The net result is that both Agile and DevOps facilitate a teamwork culture that relies upon trust, transparency, and communication.

Quick Product Delivery: DevOps and Agile allow an organization to go ahead with a quicker delivery of software products. This becomes a reality as there is much emphasis given to deployment, testing, and continuous integration. This quick product delivery has allowed software development teams from all over the world to better respond to the evolving market demands. This is essential for any organization if it wants to advance its competition.

The Flexibility Factor: Thanks to Agile, teams can make changes in an easy and quick manner throughout the development phase. Moreover, DevOps lets any organization quickly respond to evolving business requirements. This is done by automating the overall deployment processes. This information can assist Microservices Development Services.

Concluding Remarks

You can be any person involved in the software development process – a project manager, developer, or an intern who is learning the basics of the operations. Always remember that it is in your best interest to clear your concepts regarding some of the most pressing concepts in software development. After going through all of the above-mentioned information, if you are able to effectively answer the “How Do Agile and DevOps Interrelate?” query, you have a better chance to do amazing as a professional who is involved with the development process. Maybe now, you will be able to play a more pivotal part in ensuring that your team is successful with its entire software development activity.

Lastly, understand that today’s leading software developers, such as Futurbyte, make good use of both Agile and DevOps. So, if you are looking for software solutions then feel free to contact Futurbyte today.

How do you define DevOps?

DevOps is a renowned methodology present in the I.T. and software development industries. It effectively automates and combines the work of I.T. operations and software development. As a result, there is a visible improvement in the overall systems development life cycle.

Can you define Agile?

Sure, this is a software development methodology that emphasizes the concept of iterative development. Here, the solutions and requirements evolve via collaboration among several teams. Agile puts a great deal of focus on customer feedback and adaptability, and the presenting of a working software in small iterations.

What are the pillars of Agile software development methodology?

These are the pillars of the Agile software development methodology:

  • Better communication and collaboration among teams.
  • Priority to delivering functional software.
  • Customer collaboration.
  • Effective responding to changes.

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