Hire Someone to Build Shopify Store for Your Business

In a Nutshell

This guide will tell you how you can hire someone to build Shopify store. Make informed decisions and ensure success for your Shopify store development. Contact FuturByte for expert assistance and a smooth journey from start to launch and beyond. 

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Table of Contents

So, you’ve decided to take your business online and set up shop on Shopify. Congratulations!

Now comes the crucial decision: do you build your Shopify store yourself, or do you Hire someone to build Shopify store for your business needs?

Let’s find out why many people opt to hire someone to get ecommerce development services rather than tackling it solo.

Why People Avoid Developing a Shopify Store Themselves

Because without the understanding of code or design, starting from scratch with a Shopify store may be quite challenging. Therefore, many business owners shy away from the DIY approach because they fear they lack the technical expertise required to create a professional-looking and fully functional online store. As a result, they often choose to hire someone to build Shopify store instead.  

After all, your Shopify store is often the first point of contact between you and your customers in the online world, you want to it to absolute best and genereate revenue.  

Complexities Involved in Shopify Store Development 

The complexities of Shopify store development go beyond just setting up a few pages and adding products. A well-structured Shopify store demands the right theme and customisations.

Not to mention the integration of payment gateways and shipping options and ensuring that your store is optimised for search engines, because that’s the only thing that will drive sales. 

These intricacies can quickly overwhelm those who are not familiar with the platform or cloud web development in general.

The Benefits of Hiring an App Development Company for Your Shopify Store 

Now, let’s talk about why hiring an app development company to build your Shopify store can be a game-changer for your business. First and foremost, it saves you time and energy. Instead of spending countless hours trying to figure out the ins and outs of Shopify, you can focus on what you do best – running your business.  

Key pointers of The Benefits of Hiring an App Development Company for Your Shopify Store in infographic form

App development companies specialise in creating custom solutions tailored to your specific needs. What can you expect when you hire a website app development company for your Shopify store development? 

  • Expertise and Efficiency: Professionals armed with the right skills and experience can get your store up and running faster and smoother, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • Custom Design and Functionality: They can create a unique, pixel-perfect store that reflects your brand and caters to your specific needs.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your store is in the hands of experts allows you to focus on what you do best – running your business and scaling your offerings.
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance: Reputable companies offer maintenance and support packages, ensuring your store stays updated, secure, and bug-free.

Knowing When to Consider Outsourcing Your Shopify Build 

Deciding when to outsource your Shopify build is another important consideration. If you find yourself struggling to make progress or feeling overwhelmed by the technical aspects of setting up your store, it may be time to bring in outside help.  

Outsourcing your Shopify development means you Hire someone to build Shopify store who can efficiently complete the job using their skills and knowledge. It also frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your business, such as marketing and customer service. 

How to Find the Right Company for Shopify Development 

Finding the right development company for Shopify development would be a breeze with the right approach. Here are some key steps that will help you hire someone to build Shopify store for your project: 

Clearly Define Your Needs 

Set clear goals regarding the specific features and functionalities you require for your Shopify store. Knowing precisely what you require will make it easier to find the perfect shopify development partner. 

Seek Experience and Expertise 

Look for skilled professionals with a proven track record in Shopify development. Review their portfolio to ensure they have experience working on projects similar to yours. 

Check Reviews and References 

Research thoroughly by reading reviews and testimonials from past clients. This will give you insights into their reputation and the quality of their work. 

Prioritize Communication and Collaboration 

Choose professionals who communicate proactively and are open to collaboration. Regular updates on the project’s progress and a willingness to receive feedback. 

Consider Pricing and Value 

Select a development company that offers transparent pricing models and delivers quality work within your budget.  

Steps to Hire Someone to Build Shopify Store 

To hire someone to build Shopify store can be easy with the right approach. Here are some key pointers that will help you find the perfect candidate or company for your project: 

  • Look for Shopify experts who have a good track record and experience that matches your needs.
  • Ask if they can come up to your expectations in terms of features, design, and branding.
  • Ask for their plans, timelines, and costs.
  • Compare the proposals you receive, looking at timelines, prices, and what they offer.
  • Have conversations with the project managers and the team to see if they’re a good fit.
  • Decide on the developer or development company who best fits your needs and budget. 

Tip: Do the competitor research to find gaps and consult a provider specialising in business management solutions who can ensure that your online store is not just a standalone entity but an integral part of your business ecosystem! 

Budgeting for Your Shopify Store: Costs and Considerations 

Budgeting for your Shopify store is paramount, but it can be challenging if you’re new to the platform. Therefore, I have listed below some key costs and considerations that you must keep in mind when you do the budgeting and hire someone to build Shopify store: 

  1. Shopify Subscription

  • Cost Range: $29/month (Basic) to $299/month (Advanced)
  • Considerations: Features, transaction volume, staff accounts
  • Tip: Start with a lower plan and upgrade as your business grows.
  1. Custom Design and Development

  • Cost Range: $500 – $20,000+
  • Considerations: Complexity, customization level, developer experience.
  1. App and Integration Costs

  • Cost Range: It depends and can vary from project to project. 
  • Considerations: Functionality needed and usage frequency.
  1. Payment Processing Fees

  • Shopify Transaction Fee:6% + $0.30 per transaction (Basic plan)
  • Payment Gateway Fees: Vary depending on provider and plan

Additional Costs 

  • Product photography: High-quality images are crucial, budget accordingly.
  • Marketing and advertising: Essential for driving traffic and sales.
  • Domain name and SSL certificate: Secure your store and brand identity.

By understanding these cost factors and prioritising wisely, you can build a fully functional and profitable Shopify store.  

Should You Hire a Developer on Hourly Rates or Outsource to A Reputed Company? 

Both options have their pros and cons, let’s just go through some pros and cons before you make a decision: 

Pros and Cons: Hire Someone to Build Shopify Store on Hourly Rates  

Pros Cons 
  • You can flexible and scale up or down as needed, paying only for hours worked. 
  • Less assurance on project quality and timeline adherence. 
  • Best option for simple Shopify stores with a limited budget. 
  • Freelancers may have limited experience and skills compared to larger companies. 
  • Collaborate directly with the developer for a personalised approach. 

Outsourcing to a Reputed Company 

Pros Cons 
  • Reputed companies offer end-to-end services, covering design, development, testing, and ongoing support. 
  • Initial investment may be higher, but your get the added value and peace of mind. 
  • Higher standards provides a well-structured development process and smooth launch. 
  • Reduced control over project scope and budget compared to hiring freelance developers. 
  • Multiple resources and expertise enable handling projects of any size and complexity. 

Ultimately, the decision to hire a developer on hourly rates or outsource to a reputed company depends on your personal preferences. However, you must weigh the pros and cons of each option carefully and then make an informed decision. 

Estimating the Timeframe for Developing Your Shopify Store 

Estimating how long it takes to build your Shopify store is not something you cannot exactly predict, because it depends on factors like the project’s complexity, customisation needs, and resource availability affect the timeline. 

For instance, a simple Shopify store might take a few weeks, while a more complex one could take months. Customisations, like distinctive design elements or third-party integrations, add time. On the other hand, the availaibity of development team, testing and fixing issues before launch is crucial, so plan time for that. 

Ask your Shopify plus development services provider to break your project into smaller steps and assign realistic deadlines. Regular communication with your team helps identify and address delays early on. While it’s important to set realistic expectations, don’t sacrifice quality. By planning well and working closely with your team, you can ensure a successful Shopify store launch. 

Essential Questions to Ask Before You Hire Someone to Build Shopify Store

Before hiring and settling for a shopify expert, here are some essential questions to ask to ensure they are the right fit for your project: 

What is your experience with Shopify development? 

Ask about their experience with Shopify’s features and capabilities, as well as any relevant certifications or training. 

Can you provide examples of Shopify stores you’ve built? 

Ask for examples of Shopify stores they’ve built and pay attention to design, functionality, user interface and user experience. 

How do you approach customization and integration? 

Make evaluation based on their approach to customisation and integration and how they ensure compatibility and functionality. 

What is your pricing structure and timeline for the project? 

Demand a detailed breakdown of costs and timelines, including any potential additional expenses or delays. 

Do you offer ongoing support and maintenance? 

Make sure if the candidate offers ongoing support services and what is included in their support packages. 

Can you provide some work references and testimonials? 

To check if the person is good at their job, ask for feedback from people they’ve worked with before. 

These questions will help you make an evaluation before hiring a Shopify expert, you may add more questions based on your E-Commerce project’s demands. 

Ongoing Support and Maintenance to Upkeep Your Store 

After building your Shopify store, you will be needing ongoing support and maintenance services for your store such as: 

  • Software Updates: To keep your store up-to-date with Shopify’s platform updates to improve security and performance.
  • Security Monitoring: To regularly check for security threats and vulnerabilities to protect your store and customer data.
  • Performance Optimisation: To ensure your store loads quickly and performs well to provide a better user experience.
  • Content Management: To Keep your store fresh by updating content, images, and product listings regularly.
  • Customer Support: To gather feedback and address customer concerns and improve your store.
  • SEO and Marketing: To stay updated on SEO strategies and e-commerce marketing trends to attract and retain customers.
  • Backup and Recovery: To back up your store data regularly to prevent data loss and have a recovery plan in case of emergencies.

Support and maintenance services are usually provided by the big software companies. So, if you are planning to create a mega E-Commerce store it is better to partner with a reputable development company that can streamline the process and give you peace of mind. 

Checklist for Hiring the Right Shopify Expert 

Before You Begin 

  • Define your store’s vision, goals, and budget.
  • List desired features and functionalities.
  • Research different Shopify developers/agencies.

Evaluation Criteria 

  • Experience in your industry or niche.
  • Portfolio showcasing relevant work.
  • Positive client testimonials and reviews.
  • Clear communication and responsiveness.
  • Competitive pricing and transparent costs.
  • Ongoing support and maintenance packages.

During Consultations 

  • Ask about their design and development process.
  • Discuss project timeline and milestones.
  • Clarify communication channels and availability.
  • Get detailed quotes outlining scope and cost.
  • Feel confident and comfortable with their approach.

Final Steps 

  • Negotiate and sign a clear contract.
  • Provide clear feedback and collaborate effectively.
  • Expect regular communication and updates.
  • Be prepared for potential revisions and adjustments.

Conclusion: Making Informed Decisions for Your Shopify Store Development 

Building a Shopify store is tough. You need to pick the right expert, plan your budget and timeline, and consider lots of other aspects to make sure everything goes well. Making smart choices along the way will help you have a smooth and successful Shopify store development journey. 

First and foremost, do the research and find right professionals. Look at their track record of success, extensive experience with the platform, and a strong portfolio of past work. Also, make sure to consider factors and other technological specialties such as custom WooCommerce development capabilities, communication skills, and pricing structure to find the right fit for your project.

Once you’ve chosen the right Shopify expert, set realistic goals and timelines, and be proactive in providing feedback and addressing any concerns that arise along the way. 

Last but not least, invest in ongoing support and maintenance for your Shopify store.  

Regularly monitor your store’s performance, implement software updates, and provide excellent customer support to maintain a positive user experience and drive long-term success. 

If you are searching for the right Shopify developer or Magento programmer, contact FuturByte. We have industry-leading Shopify developers who will provide you with free consultation and will stay with you till launch and beyond. 

Also Read: Hire Someone to build Shopify Store

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Why should I hire someone to build Shopify store?

Hiring professionals saves time, ensures quality, and offers ongoing support. 

How do you hire someone to build Shopify store?

To hire someone to build a Shopify store: 

  • Look for Shopify experts or software development companies.
  • Check their portfolios and reviews.
  • Contact them to discuss your needs.
  • Get quotes and timelines.
  • Choose the best fit and get started!
What factors should I consider when outsourcing Shopify development?

Look for expertise, experience, communication, pricing, and ongoing support. 

How can I budget for my Shopify store development?

Consider Shopify subscription, design, development, app costs, and ongoing maintenance. 

Should I hire a developer on hourly rates or outsource to a reputed company?

Each option has pros and cons; decide based on project needs, budget, and preferences. 

Where can I find reputable Shopify developers?

Contact a reputable company like FuturByte for expert assistance and consultation. 

What is the typical timeframe for building a Shopify store?

The timeframe for building a Shopify store varies based on complexity and customisation needs. A basic store may take a few weeks, while a more complex store with custom features and integrations can take several months. It’s essential to discuss timelines with your developer to set realistic expectations.

Can I update and manage my Shopify store after it's built?

Yes, one of the advantages of Shopify is its user-friendly interface, allowing you to manage and update your store easily. However, for more complex changes or technical issues, having ongoing support from your development partner can be beneficial to ensure everything runs smoothly.

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