Understanding the Cost of Software Development: What to Expect

In a Nutshell

Software development costs can creep up on businesses that are not prepared beforehand. This impact is further enhanced if organisations are unaware of what are the costs they can incur. This article will help you understand all the costs associated with the cost of software development.

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Software development is a monumental task for businesses that are looking to get their operations in order. Whether this software is developed in-house or outsourced to a software development agency, most organisations are unaware of the costs associated with software development.

In this article we will discuss the costs you may incur if you outsource the development of your software, as well as hidden costs that most organisations overlook.

How Much Does Software Development Cost?

How Much Does Software Development Cost?

Software development can be costly with a solution costing anywhere between $30,000 to $60,000 based on the complexity of the solution. Highly complex software can range from $300,000 to $500,000. Here is a table that gives you an idea of how much you can expect to spend when getting software developed.

*Keep in mind, these are just averages and costs can increase based on various factors.

Type of Software

Average Cost


Simple Mobile App

$20,000 – $60,000

Basic apps with minimal features and simple UI.

Complex Mobile App

$60,000 – $150,000

Apps with advanced features, integrations, and custom UI/UX design.

Enterprise Mobile App

$150,000 – $500,000+

High-end apps with robust backend, security, and extensive integrations, used by large organisations.

Simple Web Application

$10,000 – $40,000

Basic web applications with limited features and simple design.

Complex Web Application

$40,000 – $100,000

Web applications with advanced features, multiple integrations, and custom design.

Enterprise Web Application

$100,000 – $500,000+

Feature-rich, scalable web applications with complex functionalities, used by large enterprises.

E-commerce Website

$30,000 – $100,000

Online stores with various e-commerce functionalities like product listings, payment gateways, and user accounts.

Custom CRM Software

$50,000 – $150,000+

Tailored customer relationship management systems with specific business workflows and integrations.

SaaS Application

$100,000 – $500,000+

Subscription-based software with extensive features, security, and scalability for multiple users.

Simple Desktop Application

$20,000 – $50,000

Basic desktop software with limited functionalities, often single platform.

Complex Desktop Application

$50,000 – $200,000

Advanced desktop software with rich features, multi-platform support, and integrations.

Enterprise Desktop Application

$200,000 – $500,000+

Comprehensive desktop software with extensive features, used by large businesses for various operations.

Custom ERP Software

$150,000 – $500,000+

Enterprise resource planning systems tailored to manage business processes and integrate various operations.

Factors Associated with Software Development

There are several factors that impact the cost of software development. Following are some of the factors that can raise the price of software development if you outsource it.


The scope of the project significantly impacts the cost of software development. A project with a broader scope, involving numerous features, complex functionalities, and extensive user interactions, will require more time and resources, leading to higher costs.

Additionally, projects that need ongoing updates, maintenance, and scalability considerations further increase the overall expense.

Tech Stack

The choice of technology stack plays a crucial role in determining development costs. Some technologies require specialised skills that may be more expensive to hire. For example, using newer or niche technologies can increase costs due to the scarcity of experienced developers. Moreover, certain tech stacks may demand more robust infrastructure or third-party services, adding to the overall expenses.

Team Composition

The composition and expertise of the development team directly influence costs. A team of highly skilled professionals, including developers, designers, testers, and project managers, will naturally demand higher salaries. Additionally, the involvement of specialised roles such as data scientists, security experts, or DevOps engineers can further increase costs. The size of the team also affects the budget, as larger teams typically require more coordination and management.

Geographic Location

The geographic location of the development team can significantly impact costs due to varying salary standards worldwide. For instance, developers in North America or Western Europe charge higher compared to their counterparts in Eastern Europe, Asia, or Latin America. While outsourcing to regions with lower labour costs can reduce expenses, it may also introduce challenges related to time zones, communication, and cultural differences.

Development Methodology

The chosen development methodology affects both the timeline and cost of the project. Agile methodologies, which emphasise iterative development and continuous feedback, can help manage and potentially reduce costs by allowing for flexibility and early detection of issues. However, they may also lead to higher costs if not managed properly due to scope creep. In contrast, traditional Waterfall methodologies provide a more predictable cost structure but can be less adaptable to changes, potentially leading to increased costs if significant changes are required later in the development process.

Software Development Cost Breakdown

There are several factors that determine the cost of software development. Following is a breakdown of all the costs associated to software development.

Planning & Research

  • Market Research: Conducting market analysis to understand user needs and market trends. This includes competitor analysis and user surveys.
  • Requirement Gathering: Identifying and documenting functional and non-functional requirements from stakeholders.
  • Feasibility Study: Assessing the technical and financial feasibility of the project.


  • UI/UX Design: Creating wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visualise the user interface and experience.
  • System Architecture Design: Planning the overall system architecture, including database design, third-party integrations, and technology stack selection.
  • Design Revisions: Iterating on designs based on stakeholder feedback.


  • Front-End Development: Coding the client-side of the application, including user interfaces and interactions.
  • Back-End Development: Developing server-side logic, databases, APIs, and server configurations.
  • Integration: Integrating third-party services, APIs, and tools required for the project.

Testing & Quality Assurance

  • Unit Testing: Testing individual components and functions to ensure they work as intended.
  • Integration Testing: Ensuring various elements of the software integrate seamlessly.
  • System Testing: Testing the entire system to ensure it meets the specified requirements.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Conducting tests with end-users to validate the system’s functionality and usability.


  • Hosting: Setting up servers or using cloud services to host the application.
  • Deployment Automation: Implementing Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for automated deployment.
  • Domain and SSL: Purchasing domain names and securing the application with SSL certificates.

Maintenance & Support

  • Bug Fixes: Addressing any issues or bugs that arise after deployment.
  • Updates: Releasing updates and new features based on user feedback and market trends.
  • Technical Support: Providing ongoing support to resolve user issues and maintain system performance.

Project Management

  • Project Planning: Creating project timelines, milestones, and deliverables.
  • Team Coordination: Managing the development team, assigning tasks, and ensuring effective communication.
  • Progress Monitoring: Tracking progress and adjusting plans as necessary to meet deadlines and budgets.

Software Development Hidden Costs

While budgeting for software development, it’s crucial to consider not only the upfront costsbut also the hidden costs that can significantly impact the overall budget. These hidden costs, often overlooked, can arise at various stages of the development process and can lead to unexpected financial burdens.

Requirement Changes & Scope Creep

One of the most common hidden costs in software development is scope creep. As the project progresses, stakeholders may request additional features or changes in requirements. These changes can extend the development timeline and require extra resources, leading to increased costs. Properly managing scope changes and maintaining clear communication with stakeholders is essential to minimise these expenses.

Technical Debt

Technical debt refers to the future costs incurred due to choosing a quick and easy solution instead of a better approach that might take longer to complete. Accumulating technical debt can lead to higher maintenance costs and increased effort to refactor or rewrite parts of the codebase in the future. Investing in high-quality development practices and regular code reviews can help mitigate technical debt.

Integration & Compatibility Issues

Integrating third-party services, APIs, or existing systems can often result in hidden costs. Compatibility issues and unexpected challenges in integration can require additional development time and resources. Thoroughly researching and testing integrations early in the development process can help identify and address these challenges.

Security & Compliance

Ensuring software security standards and compliance regulations can be costly. Unforeseen security vulnerabilities or changes in regulatory requirements may necessitate additional development work and security audits. Regular security assessments and staying up to date with compliance standards can help manage these hidden costs.

User Training & Support

After deploying the software, providing training and support for users can incur significant expenses. Users may require detailed training sessions, documentation, and ongoing support to effectively use the new system. Planning for these costs in the initial budget can help avoid surprises later on.

Performance Optimisation

Once the software is live, performance issues may arise, especially under high user load. Optimising performance can involve substantial costs, including additional development work, infrastructure upgrades, and performance testing. Proactively planning for performance optimisation and scalability can help manage these expenses.

Post-Launch Maintenance & Updates

Ongoing maintenance and updates are essential to keep the software running smoothly and securely. Unexpected bugs, feature updates, and compatibility issues with new operating systems or platforms can require continuous investment. Setting aside a maintenance budget can ensure that these hidden costs do not disrupt operations.

Communication Overhead

Effective communication among team members, stakeholders, and third-party vendors is crucial for the success of a software development project. However, poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, rework, and delays, which can increase costs. Investing in robust project management tools and practices can help minimise communication-related expenses.

Cost-Saving Strategies

Irrespective of their size, organisations are always looking for ways to adopt cost-effective strategies to minimise the expense of developing custom software. Here are some of the strategies businesses can employ:

Define Clear Requirements

Having clear and well-documented requirements from the beginning can significantly reduce the risk of scope creep and rework. Engage stakeholders early on to define the project scope, functionalities, and deliverables clearly. This helps in setting accurate expectations and prevents costly changes later in the development process.

Adopt Agile Methodologies

Agile methodologies promote iterative development and continuous feedback, which helps in identifying and addressing issues early in the project lifecycle. This approach allows for adjustments based on user feedback and changing requirements, reducing the need for extensive rework and associated costs.

Leverage Open-Source Solutions

Utilising open-source software and tools can drastically reduce licensing costs. Many open-source solutions offer robust functionalities and can be customised to meet specific project needs. However, ensure that the chosen open source tools have active communities and support to mitigate any risks associated with their use.

Invest in Prototyping & MVP Development

Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) allows you to test the core functionalities of the software with minimal investment. Gathering user feedback from the MVP stage helps in making informed decisions about future developments and avoiding unnecessary features that do not add value.

Outsource Selectively

Outsourcing specific tasks or components of the project to experienced developers or development firms can be more cost-effective than building an in-house team for every aspect of the project. Consider outsourcing non-core activities while keeping strategic and core functionalities in-house.

Use Cloud Services

Cloud-based services offer scalable and cost-effective solutions for infrastructure needs. Pay-as-you-go models in cloud services help in managing costs effectively by only paying for the resources used. This can be beneficial for startups and small businesses with fluctuating needs.


Businesses are often concerned with the costs that are incurred when getting software developed. These not only include the apparent costs, but also hidden costs that businesses are unaware of. If you are looking to outsource your development processes and get top-notch software developed with transparency, get in touch with FuturByte to schedule a free consultation session.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the difference in cost between agile and traditional development methodologies?

Agile methodologies can sometimes be more cost-effective because they focus on iterative development, continuous feedback, and prioritising high-value features. This approach can reduce rework and ensure that the final product closely aligns with user needs. Traditional methodologies, which follow a more linear and rigid process, may lead to higher costs due to potential scope changes and delayed identification of issues.

Are there hidden costs in software development?

Yes, hidden costs can include expenses for project management, quality assurance, user training, documentation, software licenses, and hardware infrastructure. Additionally, costs related to maintaining and updating the software post-launch, as well as potential downtime during deployment, should be considered.

How can I reduce the cost of software development?

To reduce costs, you can define clear requirements upfront, adopt agile methodologies, leverage open-source solutions, develop a minimum viable product (MVP), selectively outsource tasks, use cloud services, automate testing, implement CI/CD pipelines, focus on user experience early, and regularly review and optimise the project.

What is the cost difference between developing a web app and a mobile app?

The cost can vary based on complexity, but typically, mobile apps might be more expensive due to the need for developing native applications for multiple platforms (iOS, Android) and ensuring compatibility with various devices. Web apps, on the other hand, require development for a single platform but might still incur costs for responsive design and cross-browser compatibility.

How much does ongoing maintenance and support cost?

Ongoing maintenance and support can cost anywhere from 15% to 20% of the initial development cost per year. This includes bug fixes, updates, performance optimisation, and adding new features. The exact cost depends on the complexity and usage of the software.

Can small businesses afford custom software development?

Yes, small businesses can afford custom software development by focusing on essential features, developing an MVP first, leveraging open-source technologies, and potentially outsourcing development to cost-effective regions. Working with a flexible budget and choosing a development partner who understands small business constraints can also help manage costs effectively.

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