SEO Audit Services
SEO Audit Services

SEO Audit Services

Is your website good enough to generate targeted organic traffic? Consult with our experts, if you are just starting or planning to grow with SEO. We offer professional SEO audit services that deeply dive into your website’s technical health and SEO performance.

Our auditors and senior SEO consultants go beyond the surface, analyse all critical SEO aspects, and pinpoint the exact roadblocks hindering your search engine ranking. 


Delivering Excellence


Creating a digital difference


Of in-depth experience


Focus on client commitment

We Identify Hurdles and Build a Roadmap for Success

Our SEO audits can help you identify issues hurting the search engine rankings. We keep an eye on each detail, let it be missing keywords or mobile-first optimisation problems. Then, we create an action plan to only fix those issues but also guarantee search rankings.  

Our SEO specialists provide a clear path to grow organically on search engine results and attract “highly likely to convert” visitors. We use data and search intent patterns to make sure our recommendations work and give you an idea of how long it’ll take to see results. Partner with FuturByte to build a brand from scratch and grow through SEO. 


What Makes Our SEO Audits Different?

Our understanding of industry-specific trends and knowledge of our developers and SEO specialists make us the go-to SEO web development company. We offer not only search engine optimisation audit services but also complete website and app development services.  

Why Businesses Consider Our SEO Audit Services?

Businesses opt for our SEO audit company due to our thorough methodology and demonstrable success. Our inspections thoroughly investigate all parts of your online presence and unexplored chances. Our thorough reports and practical suggestions provide valuable information to improve their SEO techniques and boost organic traffic and conversions. 

Industry-Specific Strategies

FuturByte understands that each website is created differently, which is why we do not provide a universal approach to SEO audits. We customise our analysis to fit your specific industry. We target your audience through highly related keywords, competitors, and important search terms from "people may also ask" section.

Years of Experience

We have experience in modern SEO and content marketing for users and search engines. Our understanding enables us to remain ahead of the game, recognise the newest SEO trends, and execute plans that produce lasting outcomes. Our experience can be relied upon to assist your website in attaining long-lasting growth.

Data-Driven Expertise

The SEO specialists on our team are well aware of data analytics, not just intuition. We give you an accurate assessment of how your website is performing. We examine traffic patterns on your site and start doing what top competitors are doing but in a structured manner.

Dedicated Team of SEO Specialists

We offer a committed team of professionals who are passionate about supporting businesses' online performance through SEO audits. Every team member thoroughly knows SEO best practices, technical SEO factors, and on-page optimisation tactics. This guarantees you a thorough audit covering every aspect of your website's SEO.

Our SEO Audit Process

We understand the frustration of SEO roadblocks. That’s why we offer a comprehensive SEO audit process designed to diagnose the exact reasons why your website might not be performing to its full potential. 

Initial Consultation

We begin by having a detailed meeting to comprehend your company, your objectives, the outcome you want, and your desired customers. This ensures the audit is tailored to your specific needs and helps us identify the keywords and online presence that matter most to you.

Website Analysis

Our team utilises advanced SEO tools to identify the crawling issues your website might be facing. This comprehensive audit uncovers technical issues that impact user experience and search engine crawlability.

Technical SEO Assessment

Our process includes checking your website's technical aspects and evaluating factors such as mobile-friendliness, page load time, navigation, web elements, and code structure.

Content Evaluation

We analyse your web copy for relevance, the flow of content, keyword optimisation, and overall quality. This assessment gives a fair audit of your content relevancy with your target audience and search intents.

Competitor Analysis

We then conduct a detailed and business-specific competitor analysis to understand effective SEO strategies and gaps that need to be filled. This creates a roadmap for us to identify potential opportunities and plan your website content better to get ranked on search engine-ranked pages.

Customised Recommendations

Based on the audit and potential findings, we provide a clear and actionable roadmap for improvement. Our recommendations prioritise the most impactful actions to be addressed on an immediate basis, and then we work on technical issues, content optimisation, and strengthening your backlink profile.

Reporting and Long-Term SEO Plan

We don't just identify problems; we offer comprehensive custom website solutions and SEO. You'll receive a comprehensive report detailing the audit findings alongside a clear action plan outlining all steps that we should be taking to improvise your digital presence.

SEO AUdit Services

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Book a free 1-hour consultation with one of our expert today to discuss your requirements and inspirations. 

Website Health Audit Services for Better SEO

Your website gets stuck in a virtual cobweb at times. SEO professionals from FuturByte offer comprehensive website health audits that act like a digital checkup for your online presence. We explore and examine each element that affects the technical health, performance, and structure of your website to identify issues and fix them before it’s too late. 

SEO Audit SErvices

Powering Growth with Custom
Mobile App Development Solutions

We create future-ready web solutions for evolving demands and enhanced features, making your Application a growth-ready asset. 

SEO Strategies Built on In-Depth Audits

SEO strategies require a solid foundation, and at FuturByte, we believe in building strategies upon in-depth audits. We gain valuable insights from audits that include (On-page, Off-page, Technical, and Competitor analysis). With our dedication to quality and focus on specific strategies, you can rely on us to create SEO plans that produce significant outcomes for your company. 

On-Page SEO Audit Services

On-page SEO of a website is like beautifying the online shop window. Our on-page SEO audit company optimises your website for search engines and users. We analyse meta tags, keywords, content, and internal linking, helping you rank higher and attract more organic traffic.

Technical SEO Audit Services

A technically sound website can drive traffic in no time. Our technical SEO audit services focus on the backend components of your website, evaluating all factors such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, indexation, and crawlability. We pinpoint technical SEO problems and provide practical suggestions to fix them and enhance your website for improved search engine presence and user interaction.

User Experience Audit Services

User experience audit can help improvise the SEO efforts. Our user experience audit services focus on evaluating the usability, navigation, accessibility, and engagement of your website across all devices and platforms. We analyse factors such as site navigation, page layout, load times, and mobile responsiveness to identify areas for improvement.

Off-Page SEO Audit Services

Off-page SEO builds online authority and boosts the rankings. Our audit analyses backlinks, social media presence, and online reputation. We identify link-building opportunities and leverage social signals to boost your website's ranking and organic traffic.

Google Business Profile Audits for Local SEO

For businesses trying hard to attract local customers, optimising your Google Business Profile will work absolute wonders. Our audits for Google Business Profile are customised to assist you in maximising the effectiveness of your local SEO strategies. We evaluate different aspects of your profile, such as business details, feedback, images, and updates, to make sure they are optimised for the highest visibility and interaction.

Social Media Growth Opportunity Analysis

We conduct comprehensive audits of all essential elements of your website and social media. We analyse content effectiveness, audience interaction, and competition through SEO audits. Our copywriters then craft compelling content that resonates with your audience on social media.

Why Regular Website Audits Are Essential

SEO is a never-ending task, but it evolves faster than ever, and what works today might not work tomorrow. That’s why regular website health audits are vital for long-term success. 

SEO Audit Services for Businesses

Is your website feeling like a deserted city, struggling to draw in customers from your local area? We recognise the significance of local SEO. However, a one-size-fits-all strategy does not work in SEO. This is why we provide specific SEO audit services tailored to excel in local search markets in the UAE. 

Comprehensive Knowledge of Local Markets

We delve deep into the core of SEO details, having an extensive knowledge of the online market in the UAE. This enables us to customise your SEO approach for optimal results in your specific area.

Language-Specific SEO Expertise

Arabic SEO requires a unique approach. Our dedicated SEO professionals understand the intricacies of language-specific search terms and user behavior. We keep your website optimised for local language-related searches, boosting your website's rankings within and outside the UAE region.

Content that Resonates with Local Culture

SEO is more than just keywords. Our audits provide recommendations for content creation that speak directly to local audiences, taking cultural nuances into account. This aids in encouraging trust and creating a powerful digital presence in the UAE market.

Staying Ahead of US SEO Trends

SEO trends can vary significantly across regions. Our audits keep you updated on the latest US SEO trends, allowing you to adapt your strategy and stay ahead of the competition.

Outsmart Local Competitors

We are always learning and trying new ways to provide better SEO services. Our audits delve into AI, trends, and your local competitors' SEO tactics, identifying any gaps or weaknesses you can exploit.

Language-Specific SEO Expertise

Arabic SEO requires a unique approach. Our dedicated SEO professionals understand the intricacies of language-specific search terms and user behavior. We keep your website optimised for local language-related searches, boosting your website's rankings within and outside the UAE region.

Region-Specific Keyword Advantage

Not all keywords are created equal. Our audits analyse relevant keywords for your targeted region within the USA. This ensures your website attracts local customers searching for the products or services you offer.

Compliance with Google's Guidelines

Google's SEO guidelines are the main source on which we lay the foundation of our SEO audit. Our audits ensure your website adheres to these ever-evolving guidelines, maximising your website's visibility in US search results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of getting a website SEO audit?

SEO audit services can help assess your website’s health and optimisation capabilities. SEO audit assists in recognising areas for improvement, such as technical problems, keyword usage, and content quality. This could result in better search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and, in the end, increased business expansion. 

What's included in your SEO audit services?

Our SEO audits include on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, competitor analysis, and mobile-friendliness. We also delve into website speed, security, and user experience. 

How do you approach SEO audits differently?

We don’t offer a one-size-fits-all approach. Our audits are customised based on your industry, target audience, and local market (USA or UAE). We leverage data and industry trends to create actionable recommendations for long-term SEO success. 

Can SEO audits help with local SEO?

Absolutely! We offer specialised SEO audits for both the USA and UAE markets. Our team understands local search nuances, competitor landscapes, and cultural considerations to optimise your website to attract local customers. 

How often should I get a website SEO audit?

Search engine algorithms, google updates, and industry trends are always changing and developing. Regular SEO audits every six months help ensure your website remains compliant and optimised according to the latest best practices. 

What happens after the SEO audit?

We offer a thorough report that outlines the audit results and provides practical recommendations. Our team is also available to assist you in making the required adjustments and creating a sustainable SEO plan. 

Do you offer other website development services?

Yes! In addition to SEO audits, FuturByte offers a variety of website development services, including custom website solutions, WordPress development, Progressive Web App development, and technical SEO consultancy. 

How much does an SEO audit cost?

Get in touch with FuturByte today to receive complimentary SEO audit services. We provide affordable rates and customisable options to meet your individual requirements.

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Your benefits:
What happens next?

We schedule a call at your convenience with an industry expert


We do a discovery and consulting meeting 


We prepare a proposal based on your requirements

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