Business Process Automation
Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation (BPA) is the automation of complex business functionalities as well as processes. The solutions offered are linked with several I.T. systems and are customized according to a company’s needs. BPA automation features both Artificial Intelligence-powered automation and robotic process automation. 

Today’s businesses can make use of BPA to achieve a number of goals, such as increasing service quality, attaining digital transformation, managing costs, enhancing service delivery, or attaining simplicity.

What automates business processes?

There are a host of tools and technologies that are known to automate business management solutions throughout a host of functions and industries. In this regard, take note of the following examples:

Business Process Management (BPM) Software

This software effectively allows a company to optimize, automate, and model its business processes. Additionally, the software offers a number of tools that would allow several functions, such as monitoring, workflow automation, and process modelling. As a result, a business will be able to streamline its operations, which will ultimately make it attain better efficiency rates.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

These software robots are designed to copy human activities to automate rule-based, repetitive activities. Some of these activities are report generation and data entry. Today’s RPA tools are designed in a way that allows them to almost effortlessly integrate with the existing applications and systems. This paves the way for end-to-end process automation that does not require complicated coding.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

These systems are known to integrate a business’ core processes, like supply chain management, manufacturing, and finance into a centralized, single platform. An ERP system’s ability to standardize processes and automate routine tasks allows any organization to enjoy better decision-making and attain enhanced productivity.

Document Management Systems (DMS)

This system automates document-specific processes, like workflow management or document retrieval, storage, and capture. When DMS effectively automates and digitizes document-centric duties, it greatly assists any business in decreasing its paper-related inefficiencies. Moreover with DMS, businesses are able to improve their compliance and collaboration functions.

Customer Relationship Management Software

CRM can automate a number of customer relationship management features. This includes customer service, marketing, and sales. Additionally, a CRM process can assist any business in properly automating its marketing campaigns, streamlining lead management, and offering personalized customer support. All of this would ultimately lead towards better customer retention and satisfaction.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Both technologies can optimize and automate a host of business processes. This is done via the identification of patterns, analyzing data, and making several recommendations and/or predictions. Today, Artificial Intelligence solutions are known to automate activities such as data analysis, fraud detection, and customer support. This allows a business to enjoy a better degree of innovation as well as efficiency.

How to automate your business processes?

You can automate your business process via the following guide:

Identification of processes: You need to identify which processes consume time, are repetitive or prone to errors.

Mapping the Process

After the identification phase, you need to properly document all the involved steps.

Choosing the Automation Tools

Select automation tools based on your overall requirements and complexities. You can go with a host of options, such as business process management software, robotic process automation, or a workflow automation platform.

Automated Workflow

Use your automation tool to create a flexible automated workflow.


Test your automated workflow in production to see if it performs as required.


Offer the best possible training as well as support to your employees who will use the automated workflow.


Regularly or routinely monitor the performance of your automated workflow.


After gaining automation experience, you should plan to expand it throughout your organization.

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