Behavior-Driven Development
Behavior-Driven Development

Behavior-driven Development

Behavior-driven development (BDD) comes as a reliable software development approach. It is meant to improve the existing collaboration between a host of software project stakeholders, such as business participants, QA, and developers. Behavior-driven development makes use of a host of examples to showcase a system’s behavior.

This is stated in an understandable language and is meant for all of those who are part of the ios and android app development process. Moreover, understand that BDD is considered an agile software testing strategy that puts immense focus on the making of satisfactory outputs for the end-users. BDD depends on three concepts, which are automation, formulation, and discovery.

What is Behavior-driven Development framework?

The behavior driven development framework is considered to be a utility or a number of utilities that facilitate behavior-driven development’s practice. Generally, it is this framework that offers valuable assistance for generating executable specifications and also to automate tests that are according to those particular specifications. Additionally, the framework is supposed to make reports that track both the results and progress of the tests.

Today’s Popular BDD frameworks

These are some of the most reputed Behavior-Driven frameworks across the spectrum:


This BDD framework is meant for .NET applications. It is widely known to allow the making of executable specifications, and this is done in simple text via utilizing Gherkin. A very positive aspect of SpecFlow is that it can integrate with a host of .Net development tools, such as Visual Studio.


This is commonly considered to be among the most commonly used BDD frameworks. Cucumber is known to let you create specifications in simple text. This is done by utilizing the Given-When-Then syntax. This is why the specifications can be effortlessly read by all sorts of stakeholders. One of the many positive points about Cucumber is that it supports a number of well-known programming languages, including JavaScript and Ruby.


This BDD framework is associated with Python. With Behave, you can create behavior specifications via Gherkin. You also have the option of putting into practice the steps via Python. One of the many positive things about Behave is that it is known for its exemplary integration with Python testing frameworks, such as pytest.


This framework is meant for Java applications and allows the making of executable specifications via Gherkin. JBehave permits integration with some of today’s most famous Java testing frameworks, and this includes TestNG as well as JUnit.


This framework is meant for Ruby and offers a viable domain-specific language for creating specifications. Furthermore, RSpec is known to assist Ruby applications’ behavior-driven development practices.

Should you use Behavior Driven Development?

There are several factors that would decide if you should use Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). This includes your team’s composition, your project’s overall nature, its complete requirements, and your company’s culture. If you are still not sure whether to use it or not, then these are some considerations that will assist you in reducing your confusion:

The Collaboration and Complexity Factor

BDD is commonly helpful when dealing with a complex project. This means that you have to deal with a number of stakeholders that have different technical know-how. Also, BDD assists if you are working on a project that demands close coordination between both non-technical and technical stakeholders, so that they can understand and define the underlying requirements. Thanks to BDD, any such collaboration will receive immense assistance via the usage of simple language specifications.

The Clarity Factor

BDD can be used to propagate a mutual understanding of a specific system’s conduct among a team. Let’s say that your project features a great deal of ambiguity as well as uncertainty related to its general requirements. In this scenario, BDD can come to your rescue as it can help you clarify expectations, thereby ensuring that all team members agree on their system’s functions.

Test Automation

BDD supports test automation, and this is associated with behavioral specifications. Here, BDD offers a structured approach to creating as well as looking after automated tests. This is beneficial when your project demands more test coverage and greatly relies on automated testing for continuous integration and regression testing.

Hopefully, all of the above points will make you better decide whether to use BDD in your case.

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