Frequently Asked Questions

The average cost of custom software development varies widely depending on factors such as project scope, complexity, features, and technologies used. It can range from a few thousand to millions of pounds.

Custom software development costs are calculated based on factors like project requirements, technology stack, development hours, resources required, and any additional services such as maintenance and support.

Custom software development companies design, develop, deploy, and maintain bespoke software solutions tailored to the specific needs and requirements of their clients.

You can find custom software development companies through online research, referrals from colleagues or business associates, industry directories, and networking events.

Mobile app development is the process of creating software applications specifically designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It involves designing the user interface, developing the app’s functionality, testing for bugs and performance issues, and deploying the app-to-app stores for distribution.

Yes, you can build a mobile app by yourself if you have the necessary programming skills and knowledge of mobile app development frameworks and tools.

To develop a mobile app, you need a clear idea of the app’s purpose and target audience, design mockups or wireframes, programming skills in languages like Java or Swift, knowledge of mobile app development frameworks such as React Native or Flutter, and access to development tools and platforms.

The cost of building a mobile app depends on factors such as complexity, features, design, development hours, and the development team’s hourly rates.

The cost of building an app or website depends on various factors, including complexity, features, and development time. In general, simple websites tend to be less expensive to build than mobile apps.

Mobile apps can be profitable if they offer value to users, have a strong marketing strategy, and generate revenue through methods such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, or advertising.

There are free tools and platforms available for building basic mobile apps, but developing a high-quality, feature-rich app typically requires investment in development resources, tools, and services.

The types of apps that tend to make the most money are those that offer unique value propositions, solve specific problems for users, and have monetisation strategies such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, or advertising.

Small apps can make money if they have a solid monetisation strategy, a targeted user base, and high engagement levels. While smaller apps may not generate as much revenue as larger apps, they can still be profitable if they meet user needs and offer value.

The revenue generated from 1,000 app downloads varies depending on factors such as the app’s monetisation strategy, the price of in-app purchases or subscriptions, and the geographic location of users. It’s challenging to provide an exact figure as revenue per download can range from a few cents to several pounds.

Website development costs vary depending on factors such as complexity, features, design, and development time. Simple websites can cost a few hundred pounds, while complex websites with advanced functionality can cost tens of thousands of pounds or more.

The three main types of web development are front-end development, back-end development, and full-stack development. Front-end development involves building the user interface and client-side functionality, back-end development involves server-side scripting and database management, and full-stack development involves both front-end and back-end development.

The five stages of website development typically include planning and research, design, development, testing and quality assurance, and deployment and maintenance.

The seven major steps to designing a website include defining goals and objectives, conducting research and analysis, creating wireframes and mockups, designing the user interface and visual elements, developing the website structure and navigation, coding and programming, and testing and optimisation.

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that enables businesses to create online stores and sell products or services online. It provides tools and features for website design, product management, payment processing, order management, marketing, and analytics, making it easy for businesses to set up and manage their online presence.

Yes, you can make money using Shopify by selling products or services online through your Shopify store. Shopify provides various tools and features to help businesses attract customers, manage orders, process payments, and grow their online sales.

Transaction fees typically range from 2.9% + 30p to 2.2% + 20p per transaction for online credit card rates, with lower fees available for higher-priced plans.

Yes, Shopify is an excellent platform for web development, especially for e-commerce websites. It offers a user-friendly interface, customisable themes and templates, robust e-commerce features, secure payment processing, and integration with third-party apps, making it easy to create and manage professional online stores.

While Shopify provides tools and features for website design, including customisable themes and templates, it does not offer bespoke web design services.

Cloud migration refers to the process of moving digital assets, data, applications, and workloads from on-premises infrastructure or legacy systems to cloud-based infrastructure or platforms.

Cloud migration methods vary depending on factors such as the organisation’s goals, existing infrastructure, and complexity of the migration. Common cloud migration methods include rehosting or lift-and-shift, re-platforming or lift-and-optimise, refactoring or rearchitecting, repurchasing or replacing, and retiring or retaining.

Migrating to the cloud involves several steps, including assessing your current infrastructure and workloads, selecting the right cloud service provider and platform, planning the migration strategy and timeline, preparing data and applications for migration, executing the migration, testing and validating the migrated resources, and optimising and monitoring performance post-migration.

A common example of DevOps is the integration of development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams to automate and streamline software development and deployment processes. DevOps practices include continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), infrastructure as code (IaC), automated testing, and collaborative team workflows.

While coding skills are beneficial in DevOps roles, they are not necessarily required for all aspects of DevOps. DevOps emphasises collaboration between development and operations teams to automate processes, improve efficiency, and accelerate software delivery.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) provides a range of cloud services and tools that support DevOps practices, including infrastructure as code (IaC) with AWS CloudFormation, continuous integration and deployment with AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeDeploy, monitoring and logging with AWS CloudWatch, and container orchestration with Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS.

An e-commerce developer specialises in creating and maintaining websites or applications for online stores. They design user-friendly interfaces, develop custom features and functionalities, integrate payment gateways and third-party services, optimise performance and security, and provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure the smooth operation of e-commerce platforms.

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