Shopify Email vs Mailchimp: Which is Better for Marketing?

In a Nutshell

This blog will give you great advice if you are looking to make a selection while going through the details of Shopify Email vs Mailchimp. Here, you will get to learn about the strengths, weaknesses, use cases, and many more things that are relevant to both of the platforms.  

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It is immensely critical for any eCommerce business to select the right email marketing platform. Here, the two most reputed options are Mailchimp and Shopify Email Marketing App. Both of these options offer you a host of features, which will be highlighted below. This is why making a call when going through Shopify Email vs Mailchimp is often a very complicated process. Often, this complication is experienced by even those professionals who have a great amount of experience dealing with Shopify store setup experts.

This is where this guide will come to your rescue, as it will take a close look at the strengths and weaknesses of the discussed platforms. This will allow you to determine which platform will rightfully align with your marketing needs, therefore making the right judgment call in the Shopify Email vs Mailchimp debate. Additionally, you could contact Shopify plus agencies and query them. However, here is a better advice – contact FuturByte. This a reputed software developer who can offer you sound advice on this and other tech-related matters.

Let’s delve deep into the matter:

Considerable Factors When Selecting Between Shopify Email vs Mailchimp

Here are some important factors to consider when doing a Shopify Email vs Mailchimp comparison:

Easy Setup and Usability

What is the level of convenience that you get when getting started and creating email campaigns?

Emphasis on eCommerce

Between Shopify Email vs Mailchimp, is the platform able to seamlessly integrate with your Shopify store and serve the respective eCommerce marketing needs?

Email Design and Templates

What sort of design and customisation options are present for your emails?

Automation Features

Are there any automation capabilities presented by the platform with regard to personalised campaigns?

Tools-Related Integration

Between Shopify Email vs Mailchimp, is your desired platform able to connect with other business and marketing tools that you are utilising?

Pricing and Scalability

How well is your selected platform able to scale as your business expands? Additionally, what are the pricing plans associated with the platform?

Shopify Email Marketing App: Strengths, Weakness, and Use Cases

Firstly, it is important to state here that the Shopify Email Marketing App is used by today’s leading industry professionals, such as the best ecommerce developers and software developers.

The Shopify Email Marketing App comes as a built-in email marketing solution that is made particularly for Shopify store owners. Let’s take an in-depth look at its functions:


Free Plan: The app presents you with a free plan that allows you to send a certain amount of emails in a month. This ultimately allows it to become a great option for small businesses or any business entity that has just begun with email marketing.

Ease of Use: The platform is well-regarded for its intuitive and simple interface. This point is even noted by those email marketing service seekers who require search engine optimisation services for their websites. No doubt, the platform is great for those beginners who are new to the whole email marketing activity.

It is rather straightforward to create and send emails, and you can make use of pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop email builders.

Seamless Shopify Integration: The platform can easily integrate with your Shopify store, directly pulling customer information, product data, and abandoned cart details. The result here is that it is rather easy to create targeted email campaigns.


Limited Design Options: The app gives pre-designed templates. However, when you compare it to Mailchimp, its degree of customisation is lesser

Limited Features: The platform presents a rather basic set of functionalities as compared to Mailchimp. Besides this, those who debate the Shopify Email vs Mailchimp issue have noted that its automation features are limited, and there are not many advanced segmentation facilities.

Use Cases

  • It is great for basic email marketing needs, including sending transactional emails, promotional offers, and sending abandoned cart reminders.
  • It is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses on Shopify to prioritise seamless integration and ease of use with their store.

Summary: Shopify Email Marketing App



ECommerce Focus

Highly integrated with Shopify stores

Ease of Use

Simple and intuitive

Email Templates

Pre-designed templates with limited customisation

Automation Features

Basic automation capabilities


Integrates with a host of Shopify apps


A free plan offers as many as 10,000 emails per month. Paid plans start from $1/ per 1000 emails per month.

Mailchimp: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Use Cases

Mailchimp is generally considered to be a widely used email marketing platform with impressive overall features. Its prominence can be assessed from the fact that today’s leading development companies, such as a woocommerce development company, have come to commend its offered gains:


Integrations: Mailchimp can effectively integrate with a great number of business and marketing tools. This will then let you connect Mailchimp with your analytics tools, social media platforms, and CRM.

Template Ranges: It offers a huge library of customisable email templates alongside a drag-and-drop builder for the creation of professional-looking emails.

Extensive Features: It presents advanced segmentation options, automation capabilities, and A/B testing tools for data-driven marketing strategies.


Integration with Shopify: Mailchimp can integrate with Shopify, but the integration is not seamless, especially when compared to Shopify Email. This translates to the fact that if you want to pull customer information and product data, you may be required to take additional steps.

Limited Free Plan: The platform’s free plan has limitations with regard to emails per month and contacts. The user will be required to upgrade in order to unlock advanced features, which is often costly for small or budget-conscious businesses.

Steeper Learning Curve: There are extensive features available on the platform, which can be overwhelming for beginners and may require the users to make some learning investments.

Use Cases

Mailchimp is generally considered to be great for those businesses that need advanced automation, reporting, and segmentation features.

It is great for managing large subscriber lists, creating complex email campaigns, and integrating with a host of marketing tools.

Summary: Mailchimp



ECommerce Focus

Can integrate with Shopify, but not in a seamless manner with Shopify Email

Ease of Use

Complex interface with a learning curve

Email Templates

Huge library with customisable templates

Automation Features

Advanced automation capabilities


The free plan has limitations. Paid plan begins at $13 per month


Can integrate with a host of business and marketing tools

Shopify Email vs Mailchimp: Which is Your Marketing Choice?

So far, we have taken a good look at the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms, which is great information, especially for those who are debating on the Shopify Email vs Mailchimp issue.

Now, let’s see which platform will be best as per your particular business requirements:

Small Businesses and Beginners Case

If you have just started your activities as a Shopify store owner and have a limited budget and prioritise ease of use, then the Shopify Email Marketing App is a great choice as a platform.

Thanks to its free plan, you will be able to experiment with email marketing and conduct basic-level campaigns without facing additional costs. It is the seamless integration factor with your Shopify store that will streamline campaign creation and data retrieval.

On the contrary, if you are someone who seeks advanced plans and features for scaling your email marketing efforts rapidly, you may want to go with Mailchimp for your long-term usage. Note that its free plan has its own set of limitations.

However, its paid plan presents powerful reporting, segmentation, and automation features that are vital for multi-layered and complicated email marketing strategies.

If you are a small business that is still uncertain about which platform to go with, then contact FuturByte. They are a reputed webapp development company with a globally situated client base.

For High-Volume Marketing and Established Businesses

If your business will grow, its email list will increase. This point is often noted by those debating the Shopify Email vs Mailchimp topic and those who have any sort of software development experience, such as working with a custom web development service.

The good thing here is that Mailchimp’s scalability becomes a prominent advantage. Its ability to manage complex email workflows and handle large subscriber lists becomes increasingly valuable. Furthermore, the many different integrations with other marketing tools let you make a centralised marketing hub.

It is a fact that Shopify emails present you with paid plans with heightened sending limits. This may not keep pace with the high-level requirements of a high-volume marketing strategy. It is the lack of advanced segmentation and automation features that could negatively affect your ability to target specific customer segments and personalise campaigns in an effective manner.

Selecting Between Shopify Email vs Mailchimp

Business Requirements

Shopify Email Marketing App



Yes (free plan)

Limited free plan




Basic email marketing needs



Seamless Shopify integration


Integrates in a non-seamless manner

Advanced automation & segmentation



Integrations with a host of marketing tools



Large subscriber lists & high-volume marketing



The Verdict

Making the right call when going through Shopify Email vs Mailchimp can be a very complicated thing. This is why, if you are looking to make this call, you have to understand that this greatly depends on your marketing priorities and special business needs.

Here is what you need to take note of before making a call:

  • Your budget
  • Your technical expertise
  • Your business’s size
  • Your email marketing-related complexity

Lastly, if you need some expert advice on the matter, contact FuturByte today. They come as a reputed Custpm web and application developer who has extensive knowledge regarding the Shopify Email vs Mailchimp debate, and they would love to give you free advice on this and other software-related matters.

Also Read: Hire Someone to build Shopify Store

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Shopify email free of cost?

Yes, you can. This is because Shopify Email presents you with a free plan that lets you send as many as 10000 emails per month. However, you must understand that this plan has its own set of limitations on features such as automation and the overall subscribers that you can manage.

Can I use Mailchimp for free?

It is true that Mailchimp presents you with a free plan. With Mailchimp, you can have as many as 2,000 contacts and send as many as 10,000 emails per month. You have to upgrade to unlock advanced features in Mailchimp.

Which is easy to use, Shopify Email or Mailchimp?

Many experts have come to the conclusion that Shopify Email is easy to utilise, especially for beginners. Its interface is created particularly for Shopify store owners and can seamlessly integrate with your store’s data. Mailchimp presents you with a great amount of features, but the learning activity can be a bit steeper.

Can you state which is better for eCommerce marketing?

Shopify Email is great in eCommerce marketing due to its impressive integration with Shopify stores. With this platform, it is easy to pull abandoned cart details, customer information, and product data straight into your email campaigns.

Mailchimp is also able to integrate with Shopify, but this integration is not seamless.

Can you state which platform presents better email design options?

It is observed that Mailchimp has a massive library of customisable email templates as well as a drag-and-drop builder that can be utilised to make professional-looking emails.

Shopify Email presents pre-designed templates, but there are limited customisation options.

Which is a better platform for automation?

It is evident that Mailchimp offers advanced automation capabilities, allowing you to create complex workflows that are based on subscriber preferences and behaviour. Comparatively, there are more basic automation features with Shopify Email.

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